Panel VI – Untapped Potential for Residential Energy Efficiency
April 7, 2023 2023-08-21 15:16Panel VI – Untapped Potential for Residential Energy Efficiency
Time: 16:00 – 17:30
Location: The main hall
Moderator: Adnan Rondić
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the residential sector plays a significant role in final energy consumption. As per latest statistical data, 43% of overall final energy consumption in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2017 was attributed to households. The largest part (78%) of total energy consumption is heat energy, and the remaining part (22%) is electricity. The residential housing sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina is also recognized as the sector with the largest potential for cost-effective energy savings. More than 98% of residential buildings were constructed in the period up to 2010, before any energy efficiency regulations for buildings were put in place. Therefore, almost all residential buildings were built without consideration for energy performance, let alone carbon footprint. They have poor thermal insulation and old heating and lightning systems. Additionally, due to investments, the residential housing stock in Bosnia and Herzegovina is now in a poor state and urgently needs repair. The specific energy demand on residential buildings is therefore substantially higher than in other countries located in similar climatic zones. The average energy consumption in residential buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina is over five times more than the specific annual energy consumption in residential buildings in EU countries located in similar climate conditions.