Panel VI – Investing in Renewable Energy Power Plants

Panel VI – Investing in Renewable Energy Power Plants

Time: 11:40 – 12:40

Location: The main hall

Moderator: Adnan Rondić

This panel presentation and discussion will offer a valuable perspective on the challenges and opportunities associated with investing in renewable energy plants and engaging in electricity trading in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The panelists will provide a unique and insightful angle to the broader conversation on sustainable energy development. The following topics will be discussed:
  • Practical experiences of the coordinated initiative in the development process of renewable energy projects in BiH.
  • Address challenges encountered and lessons learned in navigating regulatory frameworks, community engagement, and project implementation.
  • Explore the complexities associated with securing electricity offtake agreements in the region.
  • Discuss innovative approaches to finance structuring that have proven effective in mitigating financial challenges.
  • Provide insights into the strategies and experiences of the coordinated initiative in electricity trading within the BiH market.

Panel Discussion

Ivan Grbavac

Ivan Grbavac

Project Manager for BiH, WPD Adria
Manuela Naessl 1

Manuella Naessl

Head of Bosnia and Herzegovina at European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Mirko Medenica

Mirko Medenica

Head of Development CEE and SEE, Woodburn Capital Partners
Mirza Ustamujic

Mirza Ustamujić

Griffin Consulting/UniSolar