Panel VIII – New approach – Research and Development in Energy Sector

Panel VIII – New approach – Research and Development in Energy Sector

Time: 15:30 – 16:30

Location: The main hall

Moderator: Adnan Rondić

How does science and research support sustainable and affordable energy for local communities? Innovation-driven energy transition of municipalities. Modern technologies allow municipalities and local communities to cover their energy needs on their own, using local renewable sources and without dependence on big networks and their business conditions. How can you achieve this using photovoltaics and wastewater? How can smart monitoring and steering optimize your energy management? What technologies are complementary and what may cannibalize each other? Why is energy sharing so crucial to support self-supply and local consumption? In order to fully benefit from invested money and effort, technical transformation needs to be supported by social innovation and smart governance. What is the economic rationale of community energy? How can local communities benefit from energy innovations in other areas such as water management? What are the models of citizen engagement and participation? How to build reliable partnerships? What is the role of strategic planning while transforming visions into successful projects?

Panel Discussion

Amila Pilav Velic

Amila Pilav – Velić

Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and Projects, University of Sarajevo
Byznys focení 2020

Daniel Martinů

Chief Executive Officer, Solarus
Faruk Hadzic

Faruk Hadžić

Dean and Assistant Professor, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Jakub Racek

Jakub Raček

doc. Ing, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, AdMaS Research Centre
Belch Wojciech

Wojciech Belch

Team leader, Participatory Planning and Design, University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Technical University in Prague