Panel V – Green Club – Parliamentarians – Just Energy Transition in BiH

Panel V – Green Club – Parliamentarians – Just Energy Transition in BiH

Time: 10:10 – 11:10

Location: The main hall

Moderator: Adnan Rondić

The panel intends to inform the audience of BiH’s obligations and challenges of the general international agreement and energy transition for Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the areas of energy, transport, and climate change. All levels of government in BiH have committed to contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the Green Agenda and Sofia Declaration. The energy crisis in 2022 indicated the need to ensure energy security and, in this sense, to take energy efficiency measures and greater use of renewable energy sources. This event will be an opportunity to discuss and encourage the necessary reforms that will ensure BiH’s progress towards sustainable development, especially in the context of greater use of renewable energy sources.

Introduction by Moderator

Adnan Rondic 1

Adnan Rondić


Presentation: Grean Deal and Just Transition Mechanism.


Admir Softić

Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Panel Discussion


Admir Softić

Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Damir Džeba

Delegate to House of People, Federation B&H Parliament
Mirjana Lepic Marinkovic

Mirjana Marinković Lepić

Speaker of the House of Representatives, FBIH Parliament
Želimir Nesković

Želimir Nešković

Delegate to House of People at Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina