Panel II – Financing the Energy Transition

Panel II – Financing the Energy Transition

Time: 15:30 – 16:30

Location: The main hall

Moderator: Adnan Rondić

The objective of the Financing the Energy Transition panel is to discuss the available financing options for implementation of energy transition with the banking sector representatives. The country took obligations through the adopted Western Balkans Green Agenda (Sofia declaration), Decarbonization Road Map, and National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) and all of these obligations have huge financial impacts. Panelists will discuss options, challenges, and the readiness of banks to cope with these challenges. The panelists will also look at the growth of private equity investment in the last decade and the role that Power Purchase Agreements can play in supporting bank and private equity financing, providing a long-term investment solution that eases the impact on public infrastructure financing and helps achieve the goals of the Green Deal. The government’s role in supporting PPA uptake, feed-in tariffs and CAPEX subsidies will also be discussed.

Opening Remarks


Karl Wurster

Director, USAID BiH Economic Development Office

Introductory Remarks

Jasmina Selimovic

Jasmina Selimović

Governor, Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Panel Discussion

Amir Salkanovic

Amir Salkanović

President of the Management Board, ProCredit Bank
Gabrijel Duznovic

Gabrijel Dužnović

SEE Project Development Officer, Woodburn Capital Partners
Lidija Zigic

Lidija Žigić

President of Management, NLB Bank dd Sarajevo
Mejra Juzbašić Bajgorić

Mejra Juzbašić

Regional Director, Finance in Motion