Panel X – Development of the Electricity Markets in the RegionPanel

Panel X – Development of the Electricity Markets in the RegionPanel

Time: 09:30 – 10:30

Location: The main hall

Moderator: Adnan Rondić

As Bosnia and Herzegovina lags behind the EU member states and the countries of the region in the establishment of the organized market (the electricity exchange), it cannot integrate its market with the regional market. Meanwhile, all neighboring countries have established their own power exchanges and are planning for the regional and pan-European market integration.

During this panel we will discuss lessons learned and experiences with representatives from the regional power exchanges with an aim to advocate for the establishment of an organized electricity market in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In addition, we would like to discuss the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and Contract for Difference (CfD) as possible measures to ensure stable income for investors and greater price stability for consumers.

Welcome Remarks

Francesca Hsie

Francesca Hsie

Acting Energy and Infrastructure Division Chief Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, USAID


Dalibor Muratovic 1

Dalibor Muratović

Electricity Expert, USAID EPA

Panel Discussion

Ante Mikulic

Ante Mikulić

Director, Croatian Power Exchange
Dejan Draskovic

Dejan Drašković

Acting Chief Executive Officer, BELEN, Montenegro
Faruk Serdarevic

Faruk Serdarević

Regional Representative – Electricity Market Advisor, Connect for Growth
Martin Festoy

Martin Hergot Festoy

Senior Consultant, Nord Pool, EU4Energy
Simon Shutinoski

Simon Shutinoski

Chief Executive Officer, National Electricity Market Operator - MEMO Ltd, North Macedonia